The effects of neuron number in hidden layer and momentum parameter on classification have been investigated. 文章还对隐含层神经元数目和动量参数的影响做了考察。
Study on the assessing parameter system and its classification of snow disaster in the pasture land of our country 我国牧区雪灾判别因子体系及分级初探
Therefore, Based on the wavelet analysis is applied in communication signals analysis, multi-resolution analytic characteristic, modulation parameter estimation and modulation classification of digital modulation signals is studied in the master thesis. 因此,本文将小波分析方法应用于通信信号分析,开展了数字调制信号的多分辨率特征分析,调制参数估计和调制模式识别的研究。
The characteristic parameter and simularity classification is a new method for correcting the matrix effect. 特征参数和相似分类方法是一种新的基体效应校正方法。
A Mixed Multiscale Hurst Parameter Classification Model of Remote Sensing Image 一种遥感图象的混合多尺度Hurst参数分类模型
Such as ATR based on parameter classification, ATR is divided into ATR base on parameter sort, ATR base on model, ATR base on sensor information fusion, ATR base on artificial neural network and ATR base on knowledge. ATR技术有基于参数分类的ATR、模型ATR、多传感器信息融合的ATR、人工神经网络的ATR等。
Applying Visibility Factor to Calculating the Atmosphere Stability Parameter and Comparing with National Standard Classification Method 运用能见度因子对大气稳定度参数的计算及和国标分类法的对比
Inter-harmonic parameter estimation based on multi-signal classification and Prony method 基于多信号分类法和普罗尼法的间谐波参数估计
In fact, it can also be used to solve other multi-parameter threshold optimizing problems such as rule boundary optimizing, parameter threshold optimizing in classification and clustering problems, etc. 本方法不仅适用于动词-动词搭配参数阈值的选取,也适用于其它多参数阈值选取问题,如规则边界优化,分类与聚类参数阈值优化等。
The influence of penalty parameter C for classification and segmentation is large. People decide the value of C. LS-SVM avoid the selection the value of C. 支持向量机中惩罚因子C对分类与分割的精度有很大的影响,而C是由人确定的,与人的经验有关。
This article generalize some kinds of bank collapse pattern, the parameter of bank stability classification, the method of bank collapse prognosticate., establish the bank collapse prognosticate knowledge system. 本文通过对塌岸预测的研究,概括总结出各种塌岸模式,库岸稳定性分级的参数,塌岸预测方法等,在此基础上建立了塌岸预测知识系统。
After treatment, to observe clinical symptom, physical sign, heart function parameter, and heart function classification. 治疗后观察病人临床症状体征、心功能参数及心功能分级情况的变化。
The traffic volume prediction is one of the important parts in highway planning and construction is the main parameter to determine the technical classification, the scale of project and the economic evaluation and is the important reference in decision-making of highway construction. 在公路规划建设中交通量预测是一个重要的环节,是确定公路建设项目的技术等级、工程规模以及经济评价的主要依据,是建设项目决策的重要依据。
The time range, in which the parameter is available for classification of aftershock sequences, is different for different parameters, and some parameters seldom have the ability to classify the aftershock sequences, such as b value, normalized energy, average magnitude, and so on. 参数的有效时段存在差异,并且部分参数始终无序列分类能力,如b值、归一化能量、平均震级等。
The texture parameter estimation and texture classification based on Markov random field 马尔柯夫随机场的参数估计与影像纹理分类
Identification approach to macro model of traffic flow in freeway using parameter classification 高速公路交通流宏观模型的一种分类辨识算法
Third, play evaluation parameter system and classification standards are built up based on lots of statistics. 第三,在大量统计分析的基础上,建立中国天然气区带地质评价参数体系与取值标准;
Then the principle of the power amplifiers is introduced, including the main technical parameter, classification and stability of the power amplifier. 然后介绍了功率管放大器的原理,包括功率放大器的主要技术指标、分类及功率放大器的稳定性问题。
Meanwhile, the paper also add the parameter of vehicle classification traffic flow in the existing traffic status parameters. 同时,本文还在现有的交通状态参数中增加车辆分类交通量。
This paper improves the Bayes optimal method, which changing it from the parameter classification method to a non-parameter one and making it applicable to the classification of limited intercrossed samples. 本文改进了贝叶斯最优分类法,使其从有参数识别法转变为非参数识别方法,并可用于样本数量有限并有交叉的分类,扩大了它的应用范围。
Finally compared with other related algorithms, it is showed that the proposed algorithm can extract better optimal parameter combination, and higher classification accuracy is obtained in classification issue. 最后与其他算法对比,验证该算法能较好提取最佳参数组合,在应用于分类识别问题时得到了较高的分类识别精度。
The spatial-temporal variation characteristics of cultivated land productivity from two scales of county area and landscape were explored, and its main controlling factors were revealed using model of nonlinear parameter classification and regression trees ( CART). 从县域和景观两个尺度上探讨耕地生产能力时空变异特征,并应用非线性参数分类回归树模型(CART)定量化揭示其主控因素。
Based on the classification image, calculated to classification matrix of confuse, accuracy assessment parameter, and according to classification accuracy assessment parameter carry out accuracy analysis, accuracy assessment. 根据分类影像计算出分类混淆矩阵及精度评价参数,对分类结果进行了精度分析与评价。
In this method, food-source position is the penalty factor and kernel parameter, and fitness value is classification accuracy function of SVM. The process of ABC searching optimal food source is the process of SVM parameters selection. 该方法中用食物源位置表示支持向量机的惩罚因子和核参数,适应度函数用分类正确率的函数来表示,人工蜂群算法的搜索最优食物源的过程就是支持向量机寻找最优参数的过程。
Experimental results show that, using the object size parameter extraction and object classification, can be more accurately and quickly to achieve the object classification. 实验结果表明,所采用的目标尺寸参数的提取和目标分类法,可以较准确、快速地实现目标分类。
Co-training is the core to realize the label-minimizing, through contrasting the effect of different parameter settings on the classification accuracy and comprehensive analysis of the cost of time and computation, the optimal set of parameters is determined. Co-training是实现极小化标注的核心,通过研究比较了不同参数设置对分类精度的影响,综合时间代价及计算代价进行分析,确定了性能最优的一组参数。
The paper gives research on identification of inter-harmonics identification, the voltage flicker parameter extracting and the classification different type of transient power quality disturbances. 本文重点针对间谐波检测、电压闪变的参数提取和暂态电压扰动辨识等方面进行了深入的研究。
Hence, we can tune the parameter value of KPCA used for classification through maximizing the eigen-ratio. 因此在调节KPCA的核参数值时,可以通过最大化特征比来对KPCA进行参数选择。
NEQ model based parameter estimations using multiple experimental data sets have been performed. A hierarchical estimation strategy has been proposed for parameter classification and problem decomposition. 提出了一种分层估计策略以归类不同被估参数,成功地实现了多数据集参数估计问题的分解降维。